Sport & Leisure

Elm Yoga Pop Up Events

Words by Nikki Hotchin

Beach Yoga is starting on the 12th April at 5.45pm on Carlyon bay beach with an initial pop up session, £10 cash investment per person

Beach Yoga will then be running every Saturday at 10am starting from the 17th of April. (Weather permitting)

Please bring your own mat or towel to practice on, wear suncream if needed.

You may need something warm for Savasana/relaxation and we will be socially distancing, if new to my practices a waiver will need signing please to say you are happy taking care of your own responsibility whilst practicing on the beach.

Please listen to your body, take the practice at any level that suits you, rest when you need to and remember “you are your own best teacher” I’m guiding you through your practice.

Yoga by the sea stimulates and improves your metabolism, as well as benefitting the serotonin levels in the brain. Studies show that exercising on an unstable surface, like a sandy beach, strengthens the secondary muscles of feet, hips, knees and shoulder joints.
Beach yoga also clears your mind and heart. The warmth of the sand, sound of the waves, smell of the ocean, and the gentleness of the wind can all help bring you to a calmer, more peaceful place. Helping with our physical and mental body, reconnecting the mind body and breath.

Keep an eye on for the pop up beach Yoga, as I could give just 24hrs notice when we start also for beach Yoga cancellations if the weather isn’t great.

Emma x

** We will be following government guidelines Carlyon Beach Carlyon Bay Beach

Carlyon Bay beach, Carlyon bay, St Austell PL25
April 12, 2021 5:45 pm
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